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We perform security compliance analysis and assess the risks of the business from cyber attacks, to drive our customers to the implementation of security control tools.

IT system adaptation to the new GDPR, DPO appointment, staff training

We use a systematic approach to lead the client towards the realization and control of its company security solution, which goes through five fundamental steps: 1) the analysis of the existing IT systems (Audit phase); 2) planning of interventions aimed to improve security level of the system (Planning phase); 3) design and implementation of new identified security solutions (Implementation phase); 4) monitoring of new security performances (Check phase); 5) the definition of new recovery plans and protection from possible attacks (Remedy phase)

Please, fill in the new GDPR compliance assessment form and send it to you will receive for free a preliminary evaluation of the compliance of your Company to the new European Regulation about Personal Data Protection (GDPR).


Strategic and technological consulting together with design that we provide for Cybersecurity is based on a technical and commercial competence of the Industry Telco / ICT but extends to the fiscal, regulatory, legal domains, through our ability to work in cooperation with qualified partners in specific sectors and grant to our customer a single interface releasing a complete 360 ​​degrees solution.

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Legal Headquarter - Roma
Via M.G. dell'Unità, 14
00146 Grottaferrata (RM), Italy
Tel./Fax +390621119157

Operation Headquarter - L'Aquila
Via Morrone, 87
67039 Sulmona (AQ), Italy

Tel: 086452279

Fax: 086455788

About Us

dIGitalynn is a digital consulting & innovation Professional Services firm founded in 2018 from Senior expert coming from global and multicultural experiences in large Companies in Information and Telecommunication Industry

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dIGitalynn - Digital consulting & Innovation Professional Services firm - VAT number 02038290660 - SITE MAP - PRIVACY - TERMS OF USE

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