dIGitalynn arises from the idea of providing specific skills on a wide range of IT and telecommunications services, but it is strongly motivated by the belief that the effectiveness of consulting is based on the ability to provide all-round solutions. For this reason, dIGitalynn is constantly committed to keeping several partnerships with companies having in their core business similar or complementary issues than dIGitalynn itself has, in order to support customers along all the ICT value chain.
We believe we can do a good job dealing with complex problems with a structured methodology based on our skills and on those of our partners and guaranteeing you a single interface.
We build network solutions and select technologies
We work in compliance with the regulations
We have signed teaming agreements with companies specialized in the management of Italian and international regulatory bodies so as not to lose sight of the regulatory aspects of our work
We know the procedures for access to get license for marketing and providing telecommunications services, the rules to get authorization for the construction of networks, the constraints about the acquisition, storage and protection of sensitive data
We are able to be your reference interface fo all those issues related to regulatory management and associated with the technical / operational activity of the ICT market, the dialogue between private companies and institutions, the promotion of added value initiatives for digital transformation of the country
We transform business processes
We have a unique experience in the design of operating models for the construction and management of telecommunications and IT networks, gained through an intense activity of our partners in large outsourcing projects of Telco operators of fixed and mobile telecommunications networks, large IT departments, sales of business units, integration of companies, merger & acquisitions
We know the main standards regulating the management of digital networks and services: eTOM, ITIL, ITSM and we are joining to our staff some certified resources security management processes.
We have tested a structured methodology for the management of suppliers, both in operational and in negotiation terms, and we have a high value experience in writing and interpreting documents for both public and private selection procedures.
We increase your business
We have consolidated experience in marketing, sales, competitive analysis, go-to-market strategy and CRM for business development of Telco / ICT products and solutions and telecommunications services
We know the market trends, the positioning of technologies, the price trends even for very complex solutions. We put into practice the knowledge sharing technique acquired in global and multicultural environments and we build our clients' market strategies based on already consolidated practices.
We support the launch of new products and services both for consolidated companies and for startups and we are standardizing the "Marketing & Sales on Demand" service, to provide our customers with a flexible, rapid and high-value tool for the development of their business