Your future proof present
Strategic and technological consulting services
dIGitalynn consulting firm takes your company along the transformation process improving its efficiency and increasing its business.
We provide strategic and technological consulting services for the implementation of digitalization and innovation processes, offer repositioning in Telco/ICT market, ICT/IoT projects implementation, IT security management.
Consult our website and do not hesitate to ask us for any questions, doubts or comments.
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dIGitalynn Case History
Discovering dIGitalynn
Our competencies
We know network architectures, we are updated on all the new technologies and we know how to design and integrate networks and products both in Telecommunications and ICT
We know in depth the company functions, processes and workflows and we have learned to analyze, manage and transform them in order to achieve a better efficiency
We know the rules and constantly monitor the new provisions of Italian and international bodies in regulated markets
We have experience of entering new markets and launching new technology products and services, we know the price and profit levels of Telco / ICT solutions and services